Far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls
Far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls

far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls

I my self if we had everything I said above i would pay money just for Far Cry Arcade or whatever you want to call it as a stand alone Multiplayer Map Editor / Multiplayer game creator. I would pay money just FAR CRY ARCADE ALONE.


If FAR CRY MAP EDITOR can do what they did in Far Cry 5 plus the major things above giving a player full power to make maps animations and have the ability to make a map feel in the "PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE" with many many objects and powerful tools to bring the maps alive. Map Creators love in-depth options that are simple to understand and use and powerful tools to make someones map come alive. It would be nice to Script to move objects like Halo, Also to make an object disappear or appear on command of a switch or something.ĭoing all these things would be so amazing for the FAR CRY MAP EDITOR COMMUNITY. Script-able Objects, Buttons, Leavers, Pressure Plates, And Interaction Objects.Vector as placement & addable to loadout.Alien and More Futuristic Structures & Objects.More Ruin and Ancient Structures & Objects.Working Elevators and Escalator: In the Climbables & Navigation Section.


  • Monkey Bars & Vines / Cables: Same as Zip Lines or Ladder that is horizontal that you can swing below grabbing to get across an area.
  • Where if someone goes in the space of the Damage Volume Cube they take Damage.
  • Also like a Blocker Cube have Damage Volume Cubes.
  • Properties to change water to Lava, Acid, Tar, or Other Liquid properties & able to adjust the damage it does.
  • far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls

    That would mean you can walk under it with out being effected.) (Example just like a generic block but water so it has a height, length, depth.

  • Water Volume Cubes that has is more like a block.
  • A search option to do simple searches of what your looking for.
  • Lock Placement so you cant move things on mistake.
  • Fix doors that are openable that teleport you to the opposite side of the door when going to interact with them.
  • far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls

    There should be a texture in generic shapes that says invisible. Here is some things from my other thread: Yes 9,000ish items is nice, but still feels very lacking in multiple object departments you can place like: Ruins and ancient structures, thatch style buildings, more non-usable vehicles like (tanks, planes, submarines, and more), and many other style object that just is not there.There is annoying little issues when deleting something it select the object right beside the object your deleting and goes right into move mode and causes the moving on mistake of something you do not want moved.There is no invisible blockers for people to make hard boundaries.MAP EDITOR, There is also things I like to say about it. Need some videos for map builders to give them tips and tricks to improving there maps, because the lack of balance in there designs and quality maps.Maps that get over 70% dislikes need to be removed from match making.I like my hip fire aim very fast & my down the sight aim adjusted not from the one setting so i can set it up as i need for my play style. They need a sensitivity setting for when aiming down the sites not just a default all the time aiming.The lag is horrible at times and leads to very unbalanced feeling game play.Its so buggy you cant tell your own team from the enemies. TEAM DEATHMATCH - You need to be able to see your teams's blue name at all times.Things that need to be fixed and changed. There is issues in the multiplayer that needs fixes and the private lobbies too.

    Far cry 5 map editor overlapping walls